
Module Contents

class pex.ssl.openssl.OpenSSL

Bases: object

Subclass of pex.ssl module.

This subclass of pex.ssl module is intended for providing Python realization of OpenSSL library.

wrap_client(client: socket.socket, keyfile: str = 'hatsploit.key', certfile: str = 'hatsploit.crt', protocol: ssl._SSLMethod = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, expire: int = 365, nodename: str = 'HatSploit', country: str = 'US', state: str = 'HatSploit', location: str = 'HatSploit', organization: str = 'HatSploit', unit: str = 'HatSploit', server: bool = True) ssl.SSLSocket

Generate a certificate and wrap a socket with it.

  • client (socket.socket) – socket client

  • keyfile (str) – path to the output key file

  • certfile (str) – path to the output certificate file

  • protocol (ssl._SSLMethod) – protocol type

  • expire (int) – certificate expiration limit

  • nodename (str) – certificate nodename

  • country (str) – certificate country

  • state (str) – certificate state

  • location (str) – certificate location

  • organization (str) – certificate organization

  • unit (str) – certificate unit

  • server (bool) – True if server side else False

Return ssl.SSLSocket:

wrapped socket

write_key(key: OpenSSL.crypto.PKey, filename: str) None

Write generated key to a file.

  • key (crypto.PKey) – generated key to write

  • filename (str) – name of file to write to

Return None:


write_cert(cert: OpenSSL.crypto.X509, filename: str) None

Write generated certificate to a file.

  • cert (crypto.X509) – generated certificate to write

  • filename (str) – name of file to write to

Return None:


static dump_key(key: OpenSSL.crypto.PKey) bytes

Dump generated key contents.


key (crypto.PKey) – generated key to dump

Return bytes:

generated key contents

static dump_cert(cert: OpenSSL.crypto.X509) bytes

Dump generated certificate contents.


cert (crypto.X509) – generated certificate to dump

Return bytes:

generated certificate contents

static generate_key() OpenSSL.crypto.PKey

Generate key.

Return crypto.PKey:

generated key

static generate_cert(key: OpenSSL.crypto.PKey, expire: int = 365, nodename: str = 'HatSploit', country: str = 'US', state: str = 'HatSploit', location: str = 'HatSploit', organization: str = 'HatSploit', unit: str = 'HatSploit') OpenSSL.crypto.X509

Generate certificate.

  • key (crypto.PKey) – generated key

  • expire (int) – certificate expiration limit

  • nodename (str) – certificate nodename

  • country (str) – certificate country

  • state (str) – certificate state

  • location (str) – certificate location

  • organization (str) – certificate organization

  • unit (str) – certificate unit

Return crypto.X509:

generated certificate