:py:mod:`pex.text` ================== .. py:module:: pex.text Package Contents ---------------- .. py:class:: Text Bases: :py:obj:`object` Main class of pex.text module. This main class of pex.text module is intended for providing implementations of tools for working with various text data. .. py:method:: block_api_hash(mod: str, fun: str) -> str Calculate the block API hash for the given module/function. :param str mod: the name of the module containing the target function :param str fun: the name of the function :return str: the hash of the mod/fun pair in string format .. py:method:: ror13_hash(name: str) -> bytes Calculate the ROR13 hash of a given string. :param str name: string :return bytes: ROR13 hash .. py:method:: ror(val: int, cnt: int) -> int :staticmethod: Rotate value. :param int val: value :param int cnt: count :return int: rotated value